Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Retail and Resort

Here are a few designs from the retail and resort apparel markets. The four designs to the left were created for resort apparel shops in southern markets. The two designs to the left were created for a large retail chain to be sold throughout north America.


Here are a handful of logos done for various companies and organizations. I enjoy the reseach that goes into creating logos. Generally I'll create a number of versions, after which finalists are chosen to develop.

Podcast Illustration

A digital illustration done for a hard rock and heavy metal podcast. The artwork documents the search for the elusive Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses. The in-jokes probably won't mean much to many, I'm showing this one primarily for art and composition.


I will get asked to do character concept art for various projects, everything from games to rock band icons. Here are just a few. These characters are in the "rough" conceptual stage, primarily to get the ball rolling with a project.

From The Archives

I recently dusted off a few images from the past, It's been a while since I've seen these, but I thought I'd share them here. The drawing of the pretty young girl surrounded with type is my sister. This one was drawn in Prisma colored pencil on gray board. This drawing was a scholarship winner from The Society Of Illustrators. The front of the truck is also a Prisma pencil study. Secret agent dog is a mascot I created for a now defunct online service. This image accompanied several other secret agent dog illustrations used for a trade show presentation. This one was also in Prisma pencil on textured paper. The final one is a digital illustration done in Painter. This image was created for a magazine article supporting the use of music on unborn kids.